February 19, 2025
So, you’re building an AI application on top of an LLM, and you’re planning on…
JAX is a Python library offering high performance in machine learning with XLA and Just In Time (JIT) compilation. Its API is similar to NumPy’s with a few differences. JAX ships with functionalities that aim to improve and increase speed in machine learning research. These functionalities include:
Flax is a neural network library for JAX. This article will cover how to track JAX and Flax models with Comet.
Let’s get started.
Start by installing Comet.
pip install comet_ml
Next, install JAX and Flax.
pip install -q jax jaxlib flax
Import the libraries you’ll use in this project.
import comet_ml import jax import jax.numpy as jnp # JAX NumPy from flax import linen as nn # The Linen API from flax.training import train_state # Useful dataclass to keep train state import numpy as np # Ordinary NumPy import optax # Optimizers import tensorflow_datasets as tfds # TFDS for MNIST
In this project, you’ll build a simple Convolutional Neural Network using the MNIST dataset. Define the network parameters and log them to Comet.
To achieve that, create a Comet experiment.
experiment = comet_ml.Experiment( api_key="YOUR_API_KEY", project_name="JAX_Flax_CNN", log_code=True)
Next, use this experiment to log the network metrics.
# these will all get logged params = { "features_1": 32, "kernel_size": 3, "window_shape": 2, "categories": 10, "features_2": 64, "features_3":256, "strides": 2, "cross_entropy_loss": "softmax_cross_entropy", "dataset": "MNIST" } experiment.log_parameters(params)
In Flax, networks are defined using the Linen package. Define a simple CNN network using the parameters defined above.
Flax networks are defined explicitly using setup
or inline
using nn.compact
class CNN(nn.Module): """A simple CNN model.""" @nn.compact def __call__(self, x): x = nn.Conv(features=params['features_1'], kernel_size=(params['kernel_size'], params['kernel_size']))(x) x = nn.relu(x) x = nn.avg_pool(x, window_shape=(params['window_shape'], params['window_shape']), strides=(params['strides'], params['strides'])) x = nn.Conv(features=params['features_2'], kernel_size=(params['kernel_size'], params['kernel_size']))(x) x = nn.relu(x) x = nn.avg_pool(x, window_shape=(params['window_shape'], params['window_shape']), strides=(params['strides'], params['strides'])) x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1)) # flatten x = nn.Dense(features=params['features_3'])(x) x = nn.relu(x) x = nn.Dense(features=params['categories'])(x) return x
Next, define the metrics used to compute loss and accuracy during training. In JAX, we compute the loss using the Optax library.
def cross_entropy_loss(*, logits, labels): labels_onehot = jax.nn.one_hot(labels, num_classes=params['categories']) return optax.softmax_cross_entropy(logits=logits, labels=labels_onehot).mean()
The compute_metrics
function will calculate and return the loss and accuracy.
def compute_metrics(*, logits, labels): loss = cross_entropy_loss(logits=logits, labels=labels) accuracy = jnp.mean(jnp.argmax(logits, -1) == labels) metrics = { 'loss': loss, 'accuracy': accuracy, } return metrics
JAX and Flax don’t ship with data loaders. Therefore, you have to use data loaders from TensorFlow and PyTorch.
In this case, we load the dataset using TensorFlow.
def get_datasets(): """Load MNIST train and test datasets into memory.""" ds_builder = tfds.builder('mnist') ds_builder.download_and_prepare() train_ds = tfds.as_numpy(ds_builder.as_dataset(split='train', batch_size=-1)) test_ds = tfds.as_numpy(ds_builder.as_dataset(split='test', batch_size=-1)) train_ds['image'] = jnp.float32(train_ds['image']) / 255. test_ds['image'] = jnp.float32(test_ds['image']) / 255. return train_ds, test_ds
In Flax, we create a training state to store all the training information, such as parameters and the optimizer state. This is achieved using train_state
from Flax. In the training state function:
method to obtain network parameters by passing a sample data point.def create_train_state(rng, learning_rate, momentum): """Creates initial `TrainState`.""" cnn = CNN() params = cnn.init(rng, jnp.ones([1, 28, 28, 1]))['params'] tx = optax.sgd(learning_rate, momentum) return train_state.TrainState.create( apply_fn=cnn.apply, params=params, tx=tx)
The next step is to define the model training functions. Let’s start by defining a function that will train the network for one step.
The function:
Applying jax.jit
makes the function run faster.
@jax.jit def train_step(state, batch): """Train for a single step.""" def loss_fn(params): logits = CNN().apply({'params': params}, batch['image']) loss = cross_entropy_loss(logits=logits, labels=batch['label']) return loss, logits grad_fn = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn, has_aux=True) (_, logits), grads = grad_fn(state.params) state = state.apply_gradients(grads=grads) metrics = compute_metrics(logits=logits, labels=batch['label']) return state, metrics
Next, define a training function that applies the above training step. The function:
def train_epoch(state, train_ds, batch_size, epoch, rng): """Train for a single epoch.""" train_ds_size = len(train_ds['image']) steps_per_epoch = train_ds_size // batch_size perms = jax.random.permutation(rng, train_ds_size) perms = perms[:steps_per_epoch * batch_size] # skip incomplete batch perms = perms.reshape((steps_per_epoch, batch_size)) batch_metrics = [] for perm in perms: batch = {k: v[perm, ...] for k, v in train_ds.items()} state, metrics = train_step(state, batch) batch_metrics.append(metrics) # compute mean of metrics across each batch in epoch. batch_metrics_np = jax.device_get(batch_metrics) epoch_metrics_np = { k: np.mean([metrics[k] for metrics in batch_metrics_np]) for k in batch_metrics_np[0]} return state, epoch_metrics_np['loss'],epoch_metrics_np['accuracy'] * 100
The evaluation step checks the performance of the network on the testing data.
@jax.jit def eval_step(params, batch): logits = CNN().apply({'params': params}, batch['image']) return compute_metrics(logits=logits, labels=batch['label'])
Next, define a function that applies the evaluation step to the testing data. The function also obtains the evaluation metrics from the device.
def eval_model(params, test_ds): metrics = eval_step(params, test_ds) metrics = jax.device_get(metrics) summary = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.item(), metrics) return summary['loss'], summary['accuracy']
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You now have all the required building blocks for training the Flax CNN.
Start by downloading the data.
train_ds, test_ds = get_datasets()
JAX requires pure functions. This means that they should not have any side effects. Therefore, even the random seed generation should be reproducible. These numbers are generated using jax.random.PRNGKey
rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0) rng, init_rng = jax.random.split(rng)
Create a training state using the function defined earlier.
learning_rate = 0.1 momentum = 0.9 state = create_train_state(init_rng, learning_rate, momentum) del init_rng # Must not be used anymore.
The next step is to apply the training function for the desired number of epochs. At each epoch, we:
num_epochs = 10 batch_size = 32 training_loss = [] training_accuracy = [] testing_loss = [] testing_accuracy = [] for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1): # Use a separate PRNG key to permute image data during shuffling rng, input_rng = jax.random.split(rng) # Run an optimization step over a training batch state, train_loss, train_accuracy = train_epoch(state, train_ds, batch_size, epoch, input_rng) training_loss.append(train_loss) training_accuracy.append(train_accuracy) # Evaluate on the test set after each training epoch test_loss, test_accuracy = eval_model(state.params, test_ds) testing_loss.append(test_loss) testing_accuracy.append(test_accuracy) experiment.log_metric("train_loss", train_loss, step=None, epoch=epoch, include_context=True) experiment.log_metric("train_accuracy", train_accuracy, step=None, epoch=epoch, include_context=True) experiment.log_metric("test_loss", test_loss, step=None, epoch=epoch, include_context=True) experiment.log_metric("test_accuracy", test_accuracy, step=None, epoch=epoch, include_context=True) print(f'Epoch {epoch} train loss {train_loss} train accuracy {train_accuracy}. Test_loss {test_loss} test accuracy {test_accuracy}')
Since the metrics are saved in a list, you can plot the data and log the chart to Comet.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(training_loss, label="Training") plt.plot(testing_loss, label="Test") plt.xlabel("Epoch") plt.ylabel("Accuracy") plt.legend() plt.show() experiment.log_figure(figure_name="Loss visualization", figure=fig)
Don’t forget to end the experiment once you are done
Click the link generated when you end the experiment to view the experiment on Comet’s UI.
The Charts dashboard shows plots of the metrics you logged.
The hyperparameters dashboard shows the logged parameters.
The Graphics dashboard shows all the logged charts.