February 19, 2025
So, you’re building an AI application on top of an LLM, and you’re planning on…
In the last post, you created a 2-layer neural network from scratch and now have a better understanding of how neural networks work.
In this second part, you’ll use your network to make predictions, and also compare its performance to two standard libraries (scikit-learn and Keras).
Specifically, you’ll learn how to:
👉🏽 Full code in Google Colab here.
In case you’ve forgotten what your network looks like, here’s the code:
class NeuralNet(): ''' A two layer neural network ''' def __init__(self, layers=[13,8,1], learning_rate=0.001, iterations=100): self.params = {} self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.iterations = iterations self.loss = [] self.sample_size = None self.layers = layers self.X = None self.y = None def init_weights(self): ''' Initialize the weights from a random normal distribution ''' np.random.seed(1) # Seed the random number generator self.params["W1"] = np.random.randn(self.layers[0], self.layers[1]) self.params['b1'] =np.random.randn(self.layers[1],) self.params['W2'] = np.random.randn(self.layers[1],self.layers[2]) self.params['b2'] = np.random.randn(self.layers[2],) def relu(self,Z): ''' The ReLu activation function is to performs a threshold operation to each input element where values less than zero are set to zero. ''' return np.maximum(0,Z) def dRelu(self, x): x[x<=0] = 0 x[x>0] = 1 return x def eta(self, x): ETA = 0.0000000001 return np.maximum(x, ETA) def sigmoid(self,Z): ''' The sigmoid function takes in real numbers in any range and squashes it to a real-valued output between 0 and 1. ''' return 1/(1+np.exp(-Z)) def entropy_loss(self,y, yhat): nsample = len(y) yhat_inv = 1.0 - yhat y_inv = 1.0 - y yhat = self.eta(yhat) ## clips value to avoid NaNs in log yhat_inv = self.eta(yhat_inv) loss = -1/nsample * (np.sum(np.multiply(np.log(yhat), y) + np.multiply((y_inv), np.log(yhat_inv)))) return loss def forward_propagation(self): ''' Performs the forward propagation ''' Z1 = self.X.dot(self.params['W1']) + self.params['b1'] A1 = self.relu(Z1) Z2 = A1.dot(self.params['W2']) + self.params['b2'] yhat = self.sigmoid(Z2) loss = self.entropy_loss(self.y,yhat) # save calculated parameters self.params['Z1'] = Z1 self.params['Z2'] = Z2 self.params['A1'] = A1 return yhat,loss def back_propagation(self,yhat): ''' Computes the derivatives and update weights and bias according. ''' y_inv = 1 - self.y yhat_inv = 1 - yhat dl_wrt_yhat = np.divide(y_inv, self.eta(yhat_inv)) - np.divide(self.y, self.eta(yhat)) dl_wrt_sig = yhat * (yhat_inv) dl_wrt_z2 = dl_wrt_yhat * dl_wrt_sig dl_wrt_A1 = dl_wrt_z2.dot(self.params['W2'].T) dl_wrt_w2 = self.params['A1'].T.dot(dl_wrt_z2) dl_wrt_b2 = np.sum(dl_wrt_z2, axis=0, keepdims=True) dl_wrt_z1 = dl_wrt_A1 * self.dRelu(self.params['Z1']) dl_wrt_w1 = self.X.T.dot(dl_wrt_z1) dl_wrt_b1 = np.sum(dl_wrt_z1, axis=0, keepdims=True) #update the weights and bias self.params['W1'] = self.params['W1'] - self.learning_rate * dl_wrt_w1 self.params['W2'] = self.params['W2'] - self.learning_rate * dl_wrt_w2 self.params['b1'] = self.params['b1'] - self.learning_rate * dl_wrt_b1 self.params['b2'] = self.params['b2'] - self.learning_rate * dl_wrt_b2 def fit(self, X, y): ''' Trains the neural network using the specified data and labels ''' self.X = X self.y = y self.init_weights() #initialize weights and bias for i in range(self.iterations): yhat, loss = self.forward_propagation() self.back_propagation(yhat) self.loss.append(loss) def predict(self, X): ''' Predicts on a test data ''' Z1 = X.dot(self.params['W1']) + self.params['b1'] A1 = self.relu(Z1) Z2 = A1.dot(self.params['W2']) + self.params['b2'] pred = self.sigmoid(Z2) return np.round(pred) def acc(self, y, yhat): ''' Calculates the accutacy between the predicted valuea and the truth labels ''' acc = int(sum(y == yhat) / len(y) * 100) return acc def plot_loss(self): ''' Plots the loss curve ''' plt.plot(self.loss) plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel("logloss") plt.title("Loss curve for training") plt.show()
To train and test the network, you’ll read in the heart disease dataset, preprocess it like you would in any other machine learning task, specifically, you’ll:
class, and finally,import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #suppress warnings import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler #convert imput to numpy arrays X = heart_df.drop(columns=['heart_disease']) #replace target class with 0 and 1 #1 means "have heart disease" and 0 means "do not have heart disease" heart_df['heart_disease'] = heart_df['heart_disease'].replace(1, 0) heart_df['heart_disease'] = heart_df['heart_disease'].replace(2, 1) y_label = heart_df['heart_disease'].values.reshape(X.shape[0], 1) #split data into train and test set Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(X, y_label, test_size=0.2, random_state=2) #standardize the dataset sc = StandardScaler() sc.fit(Xtrain) Xtrain = sc.transform(Xtrain) Xtest = sc.transform(Xtest) print(f"Shape of train set is {Xtrain.shape}") print(f"Shape of test set is {Xtest.shape}") print(f"Shape of train label is {ytrain.shape}") print(f"Shape of test labels is {ytest.shape}")
In the code block above, first, you get the training data, excluding the label—this is done with the drop
function. The drop
function removes the specified column from the dataset and returns the remaining features. Next, you saved the label to a variable calledy_label
Next, you split the data into train and test set, with the test set taking 10 percent of the overall data. Then, you standardize the dataset. Standardization is important when working with neural networks, as it has a serious effect on the training time and network performance.
In the next code section, you’ll initialize the neural network and train it using the fit function.
nn = NeuralNet() # create the NN model nn.fit(Xtrain, ytrain) #train the model
Here, you initialize the neural network with the default parameters:
Then, you passed in the training data (Xtrain
) to the fit method. This is the training phase of the model.
Now that you’re done training, let’s plot the loss using the handy plot_loss
function in the NeuralNetwork
You can see that the loss starts pretty high, then quickly goes down, and starts approaching zero. This gives you an insight into how the network learns. Now, let’s try increasing the learning rate and the size of the hidden layer, and see how it affects the loss.
nn = NeuralNet(layers=[13,10,1], learning_rate=0.01, iterations=500) # create the NN model nn.fit(Xtrain, ytrain) #train the model nn.plot_loss()
You can clearly see that the loss is lower than the previous one. So these sets of parameters might actually be doing better than the first. To confirm this, let’s show the accuracy on both the train and test set.
For the first Architecture, we have the following accuracies:
train_pred = nn.predict(Xtrain) test_pred = nn.predict(Xtest) print("Train accuracy is {}".format(nn.acc(ytrain, train_pred))) print("Test accuracy is {}".format(nn.acc(ytest, test_pred)))
For the second network, I had the same set of accuracies. This suggests that the second model is overfitting the data and the first model is actually better.
And just so you know, those are pretty great accuracies for a Neural Network you built from scratch!
Just to spice it up, let’s compare your implementation with standard libraries like Keras and scikit-learn. If you don’t have these libraries installed on your machine, you either have to install them or use Google Colab for this section.
The MLPClassifier in the scikit-learn package contains an implementation of a neural network. To use it, first, you have to import it from the sklearn.neural_network
class, and initialize the architecture:
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score sknet = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(8), learning_rate_init=0.001, max_iter=100)
Notice that you specify just the number of hidden nodes when using the MLPClassifier—this is because the size of the input feature is inferred from the dimension of the input data. Also, you can specify the learning rate and the number of iterations. To keep things fair, you’ll use the same parameters you used for your own Neural Net. That is 8 hidden nodes, a learning rate of 0.001 and 100 iterations.
Let’s train this network and calculate its accuracy:
sknet.fit(Xtrain, ytrain) preds_train = sknet.predict(Xtrain) preds_test = sknet.predict(Xtest) print("Train accuracy of sklearn neural network: {}".format(round(accuracy_score(preds_train, ytrain),2)*100)) print("Test accuracy of sklearn neural network: {}".format(round(accuracy_score(preds_test, ytest),2)*100))
Well, can you believe it! Your accuracy is actually higher than that of scikit-learn. This does not mean that you can use your Neural Network in production though. The catch here is that many standard implementations of neural networks use different optimization strategies regarding weight initialization, model training, gradient updates, adaptive learning rates, regularization, and so on, and these are important to consider when using models in industry.
While we can implement most of these optimizations in our implementation, we’ll refrain from doing that in this post. If interested, check out these amazing articles:
Next, let’s see how to create a neural network with Keras.
Keras is an open-source deep-learning library written in Python. It was designed to make experimentation with deep learning libraries faster and easier. In this article, you’ll be using the Tensorflow Implementation of Keras (tf.keras). This implementation is similar to normal Keras. The only difference is the way it is imported.
To create a neural network model in tf.keras, you have to import the Sequential, Layers and Dense modules. The Sequential
module can accept a series of layers stacked on top of each other.
Let’s demonstrate this below:
from tensorflow.keras import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam # define the model model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(8, input_shape=(13,))) model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
In the code section above, you created a Sequential
model. This tells Keras that you want to create stacks of layers. Next, you add two Dense
layers. The first Dense
layer has an input shape of 13 and 8 hidden nodes, while the second Dense
layer, which is your output, has a single node and uses the sigmoid activation function.
Next, compile the model by passing in the loss function, an optimizer that tells the network how to learn, and a metric to be calculated:
# compile the model opt = Adam(learning_rate=0.001) model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
There are many types of optimizers you can choose from, and each may affect the network’s performance. Start with the Adam optimizer here, but feel free to try other ones here. Also, use a binary cross-entropy loss function, given that you’re working on a binary classification task.
After compiling, you’ll train the network and evaluate it:
model.fit(Xtrain, ytrain, epochs=100, verbose=0) train_acc = model.evaluate(Xtrain, ytrain, verbose=0)[1] test_acc = model.evaluate(Xtest, ytest, verbose=0)[1] print("Train accuracy of keras neural network: {}".format(round((train_acc * 100), 2))) print("Test accuracy of keras neural network: {}".format(round((test_acc * 100),2)))
And that’s it! The accuracies of Keras on both the train and test sets are similar to what you have in your own Neural Network.
That’s it… You’ve built, trained, and tested a neural network from scratch, and also compared the performance with 2 standard deep learning libraries.
In summary, to create a neural network from scratch, you have to perform the following:
I hope this has been an effective introduction to Neural Networks, AI and deep learning in general. More importantly, I hope you’ve learned the steps and challenges in creating a Neural Network from scratch, using just Python and Numpy. While your network is not state-of-art, I’m sure this post has helped you understand how neural network works.
There are lots of other things that go into effectively optimizing a neural network for production. This is the reason why you won’t need to use a “built-from-scratch” Neural Network in the industry, instead, you’ll use existing libraries that have been efficiently optimized.
Congratulations, you’re well on your way to becoming a great AI engineer. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, don’t hesitate to use the comment section below.
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